How to get Involved

Thank you for your interest in the Manitoba FASD Coalition. Membership is open to all Manitobans with an interest in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. The coalition will facilitate representation from across the province through the use of technology. Anyone may attend a coalition meeting however, only voting members may participate in making decisions. There are no membership fees and a number of ways to become involved such as, volunteering for a committee; attending member meetings, which are held 4 times per year; join a Regional Coalition; follow us on Facebook; attend our Information Series Workshops which are held 6 times per year by web-conference.

To become a member, please fill out the following form:

Please, write your full name.
Mailing Address
Email Address
Please indicate the type of member you wish to be:
An individual member is a person with an interest in FASD who does not represent the interests of an organiza- tion. Individual members are entitled to one vote on each motion arising at any special or general meeting of the Coalition.
An individual member who has an interest in the work of the Manitoba FASD Coalition, however, is not eligible or does not want to be a voting member, e.g. an individual that works for the funding body.
Thank you, your information has been sent to
Manitoba FASD Coalition.

We look forward to having you join us in raising awareness and celebrating FASD in Manitoba!